
plasma fibroblast perth

Plasma Pen Fibroblast

Plasma pen is a non-invasive anti-ageing solution to shrink excess skin, tighten loose skin and soften wrinkles. Plasma Pen fibroblast skin tightening can treat a variety of different skin concerns such as wrinkles and lines, stretch marks and acne scars and is available at our Perth CBD, Mullaloo & Floreat locations.

Often used as an alternative to surgery for loose skin, our most popular Plasma Pen treatment is on the upper eyelids. Plasma Pen dramatically and instantly improves the appearance of heavy and hooded eyelids.

Skin Tightening Treatment

Plasma Pen devices discharge low-frequency plasma energy to small areas of the skin. The process breaks down proteins in the skin and encourages tissue regeneration by stimulating fibroblast activity in the dermis and collagen production resulting in tissue contraction (tightening).

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Plasma Fibroblast FAQs

The Plasma Pen is a non-invasive, skin rejuvenating device used to treat a variety of different skin concerns such as wrinkles and lines, stretch marks and acne scars, to name a few.

Plasma Fibroblast is perfect for people wishing to treat loose, excess skin, lines and deep wrinkles.

No – we only treat skin types 1 to 3 on the Fitzpatrick scale. Your technician will be able to determine precisely what skin type you are.

Treating anyone with darker skin than this with full treatment is putting clients at risk of pigmentation.

Plasma Pen devices discharge low-frequency plasma energy to small areas of the skin. The process breaks down proteins in the skin and encourages tissue regeneration by stimulating fibroblast activity in the dermis and collagen production resulting in tissue contraction (tightening).

In nature, there are four states of matter – solids, liquids, gases and plasma. Matter only becomes a plasma when enough energy is delivered to split the atoms into electrons. The output of this is a ‘plasma cloud’ of charged particles which consist of free radicals, positively charged ions and negatively charged electrons and molecules.

Our device creates an electrical discharge between two electrodes which are separated by an ‘insulating dielectric barrier’. As the charge collects on the surface of our dielectric barrier, it discharges as a flash of plasma within millionths of a second. An intelligent combination of the design of our device and its continuous direct energy source ionises the nitrogen and oxygen in the air to create a plasma gas which is then both sustained and continuous in line with the unique fingertip control and on-demand nature of our Plasma Pen device.

Although we are creating collisions between molecules and causing the emission of energetic photons; the energy required to do this is actually minimal so our device is (and only needs to be) low-voltage. The plasma we create with our device transfers to the skin with absolute precision and does not harm any of the surrounding tissue.

The first and most immediate effect is delivered to the outer layer of the epidermis where we create external micro-trauma which helps immediately contract and tighten the skin. The next major effect is that the plasma simultaneously penetrates down into the fibroblasts which are contained deeper within the dermis below and, in doing so, we stimulate accelerated fibroblast division and migration, as well as encouraging neovascularization – the natural formation of new blood vessels and the release of growth factors. These growth factors include fibroblast growth factors, platelet-derived endothelial growth factors and cytokines. Cytokines are small proteins that are very important in cell signalling and which affect the behaviour of cells around them. They help modulate our immune response, they regulate cell maturation (aging) and quarterback the growth of new cells. They are particularly important in directing our bodies response to the inflammation trauma that we cause because they stimulate both cell repair and new cell reproduction.

The inflammatory response which occurs during the healing process that we promote also activates what are known as “M2 Macrophages”. Macrophages are white blood cells which engulf and digest cellular debris, foreign substances, microbes, cancer cells, and indeed anything else without proteins that are good for healthy cells. M2 macrophages decrease the inflammation we cause and encourage tissue regeneration and repair. We also stimulate the migration of basal keratinocytes up to the surface of the skin. Wounds to the skin are repaired, in part, by the migration of keratinocytes from the basal layer of the skin which then fill-in the gaps created by the micro-wounds we create. Within the healed epidermis they are, in turn, replaced by keratinocytes that originate from the epidermis.

Plasma Pen treatments are non-invasive with minimal downtime in comparison to surgical, cosmetic procedures.

Plasma Pen by Louise Walsh is trusted. You know you are getting a trusted, genuine Plasma device with proven results.

Results can usually be seen immediately; full results should be visible after 2-4 weeks however the treated area will continue to improve for 2-3 months.

Plasma Pen delivers exceptionally long-lasting results. From all observations, clinical trials and real-world experience, about three years is normal.

Once the skin is tightened then it is actually permanent. However, your skin will still continue to age and this will happen at different rates based on genetics, lifestyle choices and free radicals so although we suggest treatment results will last for around 3 years, some clients will experience longer-lasting results than others.

Immediately after the procedure, the treated area will be quite red and mildly swollen. This can last from 1-3 days.

The small carbon dots will dry to become small crusts. These crusts must not under any circumstances be picked or scratched off, they must be left to fall off on their own which can take anything from 5-14 days. These dots can be covered with a mineral foundation or mineral concealer.

Once the crusts have fallen off it is imperative that you use an SPF 50 sunscreen.

You must avoid sun exposure for 3 months on the area.

Often only one but it will depend on your personal expectations, the area being treated, your age, the condition and type of your skin and many other factors.

Each and every client is different and your treatment plan will always be bespoke.

In our experience, some clients may require 2 or more treatments to achieve optimal results, especially for some procedures and skin conditions where the results will be cumulative by design.

Remember too that although your treated area may look completely healed from the outside very quickly and that our results are often utterly dramatic from day one; it takes several weeks and sometimes months for the cells living within your epidermal junction to fully do the job that we have told them to do in traumatising your skin with Plasma Pen.

Plasma Pen Pricing

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