Skin Consultation

Our mission is to deliver REAL RESULTS and the first step in your journey to beautiful skin is an Observ Skin Consultation with our experienced therapists.

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Let’s get to know your skin!

The skin is our largest organ and our complex protector. But how well do you know it?

The skin is so much more than what can be seen with the naked eye, that’s why we use the Observ 520 professional skin analysis system. 

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Skin Consultation FAQs

Observ 520 is a state-of-the-art skin analysing system that assists our skin specialists in accurately diagnosing the condition of the skin both at the epidermal and dermal layer.

Equipped with six observation modes, it allows us to view and analyse skin health from the deepest layers right through to the surface.

A simple and effective process, we use the Observ 520 machine to takes images of your skin in various lighting to reveal the skins true health. 

Illuminates the skin in a controlled, natural daylight environment providing a base image for further comparisons.

Suppresses surface shine to identify redness, rosacea, broken capillaries, pigmentation and discoloration.

Provides and enhanced view of the skin’s surface textures, highlighting pores, wrinkles and dehydration.

Identifies skin abnormalities on the surface and in the skin’s deeper layers. Highlights sebum (oil & wax) and gland activity, thinning of the skin, scar tissue growth and hyperpigmentation.

Adjusts the spectrum of light to reveal skin lipids/oils and oil congestion in the skin.

Reveals inhomogeneities in skin tone, pigmentation irregularities and irritations.

By using this technology, you skin specialist gets a true picture of your skin’s current health and can accurately tailor a treatment plan that will deliver REAL RESULTS. Your images will also provide a visual benchmark to allow us to track the progress of your skin’s journey.

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